
Why it Works

Based on insights and opportunities gleaned from some of the best research out there, we designed a referral software to amplify the referral process, which is why it works brilliantly.

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Welcome to the Age of Advocacy…

We have moved from the age of mass media, to social media, and now we are in the Age of Advocacy. Consumers are more actively engaged with the brands they use in their lives every day and are more willing than ever to talk about them too

…and the Age of Apps

People look at their phones a staggering average of 85 times a day. And with the average adult spending at least 2hrs a day on their phone, (86% of that time in apps) it pays to have an app dedicated to getting your referrals, and your advocates their rewards.


A word of mouth recommendation is the primary factor behind up to 50% of all purchasing decisions.

 - McKinsey

We know this. You know this. Because we have all been there, either making the recommendation ourselves or by getting one.

89% of buyers are very willing to refer their service providers.
But only 11% of sales people ask for referrals.

- Carnegie Institute

This is where GetTheReferral excels. We’ll show you how easy it is to put your branded Advocate app in the hands of your customers right from the beginning to start amplifying the referral process.


88% of Americans say they would like some sort of incentive for sharing a product via social media or email.

75% of consumers prefer to be rewarded with money for referrals.

- Harris & Nielsen Harris polls

With GetTheReferral and the Advocator Mobile app with Advocator Pay, you can quickly and automatically reward and engage with your Advocates, incentivizing them to source the qualified leads you need to grow your business.

Only 30% of companies have a formalized referral program, despite the fact that those that did experienced 86% more revenue growth over the two years.

- Heinz Marketing 

And those brands were not using GetTheReferrals amplified platform, so this number could be even higher!


91% of consumers are willing to refer after a positive experience yet only 29% do. 

- Texas Tech

We empower you customers with our app to make it easier to get the referral.